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What I Write

One bit of advice often given to new writers is “write what you know.” And if you don’t know much, the variation is “write what you love.”

I love fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, and historical fiction. And biographies. Okay, and travelogues. I’ve never turned down a thriller at the airport bookshop. Hrm, and lately I’ve been collecting Agatha Christie mysteries.

Okay, so, write what you love is clearly too broad. How about what I know? For the last decade I’ve been reporting on the internet, and the innovators who are creating the next big thing in entertainment. (Sorry to be vague – I still do  that to pay the bills, and you’ll understand in a second.)

Fine. What I love and what I know aren’t helping me narrow the field. How about what I can finish?

Now we’re on to something. I have three chapters of a science fiction novel, three of a fantasy novel, a chapter and an outline of not one but two mysteries, and a really awful half-chapter of a Regency romance. (Imagine if Jane Austen had gotten incredibly drunk on Jello  shots and then alternated sentences with one of those gorillas that does sign language. And both parties were dictating to a typing chimp.)

In addition to all these files languishing on my external hard drive, I have two completed novellas. And one novelette. They represent the strongest fiction I’ve yet produced, and I’ve commenced the submission process.

They are works of erotic fiction. At least, I think that’s what they’re called.

To be continued…

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  1. January 18, 2010 at 8:37 PM

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